Trusted Housesitters

Connecting owners with reviewed and verified sitters

Discover free & unique homestays around the world, in exchange for caring for adorable pets

Trusted Housesitters connects home and pet owners with sitters to solve a common problem – how to travel cost-effectively, and have your pets looked after when you do.

There are memberships for owners and sitters and a combined membership. Pricing for owners ranges from C$169- $339 and a sitter membership is from C$169 to $339 a year. A combined membership, which includes both pet and house sitting, is C$249 to $419 a year. This gives you unlimited pet & home care from verified sitters at no extra cost and other benefits. Unlike some other websites, TrustedHousesitters does not require that you have a police background check in order to house sit.

**STAY TUNED! Special discounts for JourneyWoman readers are coming soon!

Trusted Housesitters - Sitter ratings
Trusted Housesitters - Happy cats


20-22 Wenlock Road, London, United Kingdom

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