Getting started with the Women's Travel Directory
Upload your listings 75%

Step 4: Upload Your First Tour Listing

You’re almost done!

Use the form below to upload your tour listing. Once you have submitted them, they will go into draft and our team will review them and maximize the SEO before publishing them. 

Your Tour Listings will not be published until your Company Profile is live. 

Please note: We do our best to review and publish tours within 14-48 hours. 

All tours are automatically shared to our Facebook page for the Travel Directory and we’ll tag you. Make sure you interact with them when you see them! 

If the page crashes or the form does not submit for whatever reason, please contact us via our new support form (scroll to the bottom of the page for Partner Support options). 

Name of your tour *
What type of experience is this? *
Tour Description (300 words min, 500 max) *
Tell guests what they can expect on the tour. Talk about what makes this experience special, the location, the activities, and the accommodations. Use this template as a structural guide.
Tour Excerpt (1-3 Sentences) *
This short description will show up on landing pages and across social media. Please try to include your company name, tour destination/activity, and date.
Tour Destination(s)
Tour Start Date *
Tour End Date *
Does this tour have multiple departure dates?
If yes, please share the additional dates
Small Ship Price *
Type of Ship *
Is your pricing based on single room or double room occupancy? *
Is there a waitlist for this departure?
Passenger Capacity *
Group Size (If Applicable)
If your group will be joining a larger ship, please share the group size here
Price Range *
Is your pricing based on single room or double room occupancy? *
Size of Tour Group
Price Range *
Is your pricing based on single room or double room occupancy? *
Retreat Group Size
What type of retreat is this?
URL/Link for more information *
Enter the direct link to your tour
Activities *
List some activities participants will take part in on your tour
Briefly explain your single supplement policy for this tour, if applicable:
Do you offer partner matching? *
Do you have partner matching criteria?
Upload Tour Image *
Maximum file size: 5 MB
I confirm that I have legal rights to use this photo and that Women Travel/JourneyWoman can use this photo to promote my tour. *
Do you have any special offers you can provide just for JourneyWoman?
If applicable, please share the special code or UTM link you use to track unique JW activity:
Two women stop to take a photo while on a hiking trip. Traveling more sustainably is one way women can make a difference in travel.
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