Absolutely Southern France

Wearing a red fedora in front of a wall mural, Nancy McGee, owner of Absolutely Southern France, smiles for a selfie.
Verified JourneyWoman Partner

Tour Desiger & Trip Planner

It’s no coincidence more than 70% of travel companies are run by women and mine is no exception. As a women who has travelled extensively formerly on corporate business trips , with my family and even more frequently now that I run my travel business, I know women’s expectations. We like to shop even for our trips. We like to be pampered. We like to support one another. We like to feel safe. Bearing these common factors in mind, I use my creative skills to design trips which will allow them to return home with memorable moments and new friendships.

Absolutely Southern France is a fully licensed travel company, based in the south of France, providing small group tour design, trip planning, and tour leading to visitors seeking unique gourmet, leisure and cultural experiences in Provence, the Cote d’Azur and Occitanie regions.

Our Specialty

Founded in 2011 by Quebecer Nancy McGee, Absolutely Southern France offers specialized planning services for small-group tours for women from all walks of life, including celebrities such as famous chefs, bloggers, authors, and gal pals, but we also work with travel agents and tour operators.

What makes ASF stand out from the rest? Nancy pays special attention to all aspects of her clients’ travel, designing memorable trips, working with expert guides, sourcing off-the-beaten-track experiences in comfortable boutique hotels and ensuring that her clients travel safely.

Nancy works with a locally-based team of expert project managers and an extensive network of partners and service providers who have been selected for their high standards and quality of services. ASF has been certified by Vignobles & Découvertes since 2015. This label is awarded to businesses committed to excellence in wine and food tourism by the  French Ministry of Tourism and Agriculture.

Commitment to Sustainability

Clients are requested to travel with reusable water bottles.

Single Supplement Policy

Tour prices are in single and double/twin occupancy.

Upcoming Tours

Travel Associations

French cafe - Absolutely Southern France
French lake view - Absolutely Southern France

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Two women stop to take a photo while on a hiking trip. Traveling more sustainably is one way women can make a difference in travel.
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