Eternal Landscapes Mongolia

Jess, Eternal Landscapes

Be Part Of A Bigger Travel Philosophy

We believe that seeing women in independent positions is surely one of the best ways to inspire younger girls within the rural communities of Mongolia – including the girls of families we work in long-term local community partnership with – and to let them understand that they can do the same. As an example, we work with a few of Mongolia’s young female Kazakh eagle hunters. Eagle hunting has allowed these young women to become courageous whilst at the same time teaching them the strength of perseverance as they continue to overcome obstacles such as centuries of tradition. And then, meeting and talking with our international female travellers give them access to the wider world.

Eternal Landscapes Mongolia: Discover the Lives of Local Women

Our Mongolia women-only tour experiences allow our female travellers a unique opportunity to discover the challenges & lives of local women in Mongolia while we work in long-term local community partnerships as well as experience the lives of the female members of our EL team through a range of exciting experiences.

During our tours, you’ll soon understand the breadth & depth of the careers & lives of women in Mongolia as you experience their daily lives side by side with them. All of our guides are Mongolian women. As a female business owner, it is important to me to use my skills & influence to improve the prospects of other women.

An integral part of our business philosophy is empowering Mongolian women through travel & tourism & we do that by providing free training & development opportunities as well as long-term employment options to Mongolian women who want the opportunity to work in tourism (whether that be for a professional reason, for development of personal skills or economic empowerment). Also, we believe that seeing women in independent positions is surely one of the best ways to inspire younger girls within the rural communities of Mongolia – including the girls of families we work in long-term local community partnerships with – and to let them understand that they can do the same. As an example, we work with a few of Mongolia’s young female Kazakh eagle hunters. Eagle hunting has allowed these young women to become courageous whilst at the same time teaching them the strength of perseverance as they continue to overcome obstacles such as centuries of tradition. And then, meeting and talking with our international female travellers gives them access to the wider world.

About Eternal Landscapes Mongolia

Established in 2010, we’re a small Mongolia specialist – choose to travel with us & you’ll experience Mongolia through the eyes of those who call it home. We invite our guests to be part of a bigger travel philosophy as the trips we offer help to create positive social change. Each trip also helps to fund our work & is researched & put together by us – designed to promote & encourage the skills & development of our team as well as to provide long-term support to a range of Mongolian people, families & projects that we work in long-term local community partnership with. Join us and be part of an exciting bigger travel philosophy. The Glasgow Declaration

Commitment to Sustainability

As a registered Mongolian company and social travel enterprise (operating under our Mongolian name, Gobi Gua Undur), we are committed to promoting responsible tourism that benefits all involved—creating a more positive and personalized travel experience. We recognize the challenges posed by tourism, including its environmental impacts, and are dedicated to addressing these issues as part of our business ethos.

We operate with a strong local focus, aiming to foster equitable tourism practices that contribute to social change in Mongolia. Our approach is built on the belief that travel should be beneficial not only to visitors but also to the host country, its environment, culture, and traditions. We can provide evidence of our positive contributions.

Despite our commitment, we acknowledge that travel is not currently sustainable for our planet. Recognizing the broad challenge of climate change, we understand that no single entity can tackle this issue alone. It requires a collective effort—not to end international travel, but to improve it significantly.

In line with this commitment, we have joined Tourism Declares, a collective that supports tourism entities in declaring a climate emergency and committing to actionable steps to reduce carbon emissions. Our involvement has also led us to become a signatory of The Glasgow Declaration, acknowledging the significant role tourism plays in the global climate crisis. Given the unique challenges faced by Mongolia—a remote, landlocked country—we recognize the contradictions in promoting air travel and are dedicated to pursuing the most sustainable practices to mitigate accusations of greenwashing and ensure our operations contribute positively to the global community.

Single Supplement Policy

We offer a variety of accommodations tailored to each specific experience we offer, including tents, shared group gers, twin-share gers, homestays, and hotels. For departures involving tent camps, solo travelers receive their own tent at no extra charge. Other types of accommodations generally involve double occupancy due to availability. If you’re interested in partnering or booking with us and have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We pride ourselves on being flexible.

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Two women stop to take a photo while on a hiking trip. Traveling more sustainably is one way women can make a difference in travel.
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