
Head shot of Jeannie Ralston, COO of NextTribe

Age Boldly and Join the Journey

At NextTribe, we believe women like us who are 45+ are in the prime of our lives, and now is the time to spread our wings and explore the world together. We say together because we’re all independent, bold women who want the flexibility of solo travel with the safety and camaraderie of traveling with a group of compatible midlife women (and beyond). By this age, we have many common shared experiences of love and loss. We are able to curate our travelers through our articles in NextTribe magazine. If you like how we roll in the magazine, if you respond to our Age Boldly tagline, you’ll love traveling with us!

Women-only tours with NextTribe

NextTribe was started by my best friend and me because we wanted to create a magazine that spoke to our interests! Not just menopause and Medicare, but all of the many facets of a woman’s life at this age. We also produced some killer events and then took our first trip to San Miguel de Allende. Where I lived for 4 years when my children were young. The trip was so popular we decided to offer more destinations. We started as a digital magazine for women 45 plus that offered a few cool trips; we’ve now pivoted to become a travel company that publishes a cool magazine.

Where & Why We Travel

We offer short female group tours to US destinations like Charleston, SC, Santa Fe, NM, and NYC. And longer international trips to Cuba, India, Vietnam, Peru, Italy, and many other countries. Even if you come as a solo traveller, we know from experience that the trip will quickly feel like a fabulous girlfriend getaway. In 2024 we’ll do 22 trips. We plan 30 for 2025. NextTribe trips are small groups of 12-16 women, with Cuba being the only outlier at 20. Most of our travellers come to us through referrals from women who have already travelled with us and understand our “no assholes” policy! No cliques, no politics, and no whining. That’s our motto!

NextTribe company logo

Commitment to Sustainability

We are allies of the Transformational Travel Council, and as such, we are committed to leaving all of our destinations better than we found them. We make our best efforts to connect with local women, to learn about their lives, and to always be culturally sensitive. As TTC members, we believe we can help change the world, one traveler at a time. Also, WeTravel is our booking engine and through them we offer carbon offsets. We avoid printing maps or itineraries, encouraging our travelers to use their phones.
We also try to incorporate time in nature and cultivate an appreciation for local natural beauty wherever we go.

Single Supplement Policy

Our pricing is based on double occupancy. Like most multi-day tour operators, we offer lower prices for doubles. One reason is that we want to encourage women to get to know one another. We are building a community of travelers, not just one-off experiences. We’ve often found that women who room together become friends and future travel buddies! For every trip, we offer a virtual info session weeks to months in advance, then a couple of weeks before the trip we offer a virtual “meet and greet” so travelers can start to get to know each other beforehand. We will always put friends together. Otherwise, we match people ourselves and have never had a problem–probably because our travelers are so like-minded. If there were ever to be issues, we try to resolve them on the ground during the trip.

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Two women stop to take a photo while on a hiking trip. Traveling more sustainably is one way women can make a difference in travel.
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