Santa Fe Like You’ve Never Seen It


Think you’ve seen Santa Fe? Experience it anew with NextTrive on this unforgettable 3-night trip

Have you stood in the spot where Georgia O’Keeffe painted one of her famous landscapes? Have you met one of the city’s creatives at a happy hour and made empanadas in a kiva oven on a nearby pueblo? 

You haven’t? Well, now you can. 

Dive into the ethereal beauty and stunning culture of Santa Fe without feeling like a tourist and surrounded by a group of like-minded adventurers, starting with our guide–a hometown gal who truly knows the city, the history…and what is really worth seeing.

Tour Highlights:

  • You’ll see what inspired Georgia O’Keeffe’s art on Ghost Ranch and at her home in Abiquiu.
  • Ride on a train through the majestic high desert at sunset.
  • A soak at 10,000 Waves Spa.
  • Learn the secrets of capturing the landscape on canvas and making the best tamale.

We’ll introduce you to local women who have your same spirit and thirst for exploring, including interesting artists and other creatives.

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Two women stop to take a photo while on a hiking trip. Traveling more sustainably is one way women can make a difference in travel.
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